3. Have you ever fantasised about changing your first name? To what?
Yes! Probably to Tabitha. Then it could be shortened to Tabby which sounds like Abi. At the moment though my friend calls me Bee which which I kind of like. Just different versions of my name I suppose!
4. When do you get your best ideas?
At night when I'm in that twilight zone and I'm not really thinking of anything but at the same time it's as though all my thoughts in the day come together, mixing up ideas and producing things I don't think I'd ever think of if it wasn't for being in that state.
It's either then when ideas come to me or when I'm least expecting it. Whenever I try and think of something to write or draw I can never think of anything good but when I'm not focused on anything a load of thoughts come into my head at once, it can be quite annoying!
5. Have you ever had chance to meet your heroes?
It depends what you class as a hero. I've been lucky enough to meet people I admire, The Charlatans, The Heartbreaks, The Gramotones. Then there are the people I look up to like John Robb and Sarah Lay who are amazing journalists. With John Robb coming from a background pretty much like my own it lets me set my aspirations high!
But the one hero that I'd really like to meet is the Doctor who saved my life when I was two years old! I know I have kind of met him when I was a baby, but I've never had the chance to shake his hand and thank him. If it wasn't for him my life would be soo different to how it is now... I might not have even made it to ten years old, let alone eighteen. I have a lot to owe this guy and I hope that someday I'll be able to meet him and let him know how grateful I am.
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