Friday 25 July 2014

Challenge | Question 1

Are you living your life purpose or are you still searching for it?

I would say I’m still searching when phrasing it as my ‘life purpose’.

I don’t really know what my life purpose yet, but then again does anyone? What is anyone’s life purpose?

I guess I’ll start my ‘purpose’ in the next few months when studying journalism at university. But I don’t really know if I want journalism to be my life purpose. I don’t think it’s healthy to be defined by a job, unless you define that job. You’ll obviously be influenced by your job with spending most of your time there, but is that really why we’ve been put on this planet? Am I here to write for a publication or to take photos of what’s happening in the world? Surely that’s what you do in life in order to live but that can’t be your sole purpose.

I think you just have to live and enjoy everything you can. Take on new opportunities and basically just have a good time. Then if that is life’s purpose, I think I’m doing a pretty good job of it. You just need to be satisfied with what you have and learn to accept the life you’ve been given and then I believe you’ll begin enjoying it more.

There’s not a lot I’d change in my life at the moment, even though I’m not contributing to the world as such (I’m not saving lives or making new discoveries) I’m just living and loving and surely if you flip the statement, then I think that that in itself is the ‘Purpose of Life’.

Have you found your purpose?

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