Saturday, 25 February 2012

Factory Floor Graphic Novels

Hey guys!

So today I went to a graphic novel lecture where the guy, Gareth, told us how to put together our own comic. See, this has interested me for a while and I’ve come up with a little story of my own which I’d love to turn into a graphic novel. Basically, he said that you needed a story first, then the characters you can build on. He told us to draw the layout of the boxes and just a rough sketch inside of what you want to go on.

His were amazing though! He told us that he’d been unintentionally writing it for around 10 years. But his drawings were awesome. He’s really into drawing dinosaurs too and the way he blends the paints together is just crazy! I wish I had a picture that I could show you guys so you knew what I was talking about!

Other than that, not much has happened today. I’ve just been doing a lot of homework. We’ve been given wayyy too much! It’s insane. And, whilst on the topic of art, my art exam is in 4 weeks. So I really need to get a portfolio of work together! I have a rough idea of what I’m aiming towards, it’s just doing it. I may include the pictures of Factory Floor I drew!

Talking about Factory Floor, you should take a listen to this!

Thursday, 23 February 2012


Joseph Coward!
Hey guys, this has just been posted up, I think you should take a look; it’s awesome!
I have a lot to owe this guy. Not only has he helped me develop my own fanzine, give me an interview and really support it, he’s introduced me to so much music over the short seven months that I’ve known him. I talk to him quite frequently and he is such an inspirational person. He takes time to talk to me, which means so much, and it’s kinda the first time that someone (apart from family) has made me believe in myself.
Not only is this guy great to talk to, his music is also really good! He’s currently signed to O’Genesis and has released many songs (including ‘’If you want to get going get talking to me’’ and ‘’Jesus Christ’’).
If you want to watch this guy grow and release more amazing tunes then you should really buy his records and support him.

Monday, 20 February 2012

Blog to Blog

In three weeks time my sister will be home, which is really awesome; I’ve missed her so much! We came up with this crazy idea of making a list of things for us to do when she arrives home. Basically it’s a small amount of things we are planning to do and as she is so far away we decided to write them all on a blog, therefore we can add to it whenever we come up with an ace idea of an adventure!
Throughout the Easter holidays we will writing about and posting a few pictures of us completing these activities! It will turn out to be really good fun!
If you have any suggestions of what we can do please e-mail them to me at and we will try and complete them! Also, check out the blog!
It’s gonna be a blast!

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Tim Peaks

Well, yesterday was really sad! For those of you who don’t know, Tim Burgess ran an online diner every morning on twitter. Here he would write ‘Morning tweets x coffee’ and then reply to the customers who placed their orders. He’d been running this now for around six months and had opened it every day at eight o’clock. He named his diner ‘Tim Peaks’ after the 90’s David Lynch show ‘Twin Peaks’ and there had been various merchandise made including mugs, T-shirts and comic strips. Then, all of a sudden on Thursday, we go the news that he would no longer be doing this as from Saturday.
I remember my first order at the diner. It was orange juice and pancakes! Unfortunately he told me that they’d run out of pancakes and therefore I was only left with orange juice! As from then, I think I just ordered Red Bushes!
People who weren’t involved in Tim Peaks won’t really understand what a powerful and emotional journey it was. Tim would give up time of the day just to bond with his fans. He held listening parties where he would go through each Charlatan album, say the meaning behind the lyrics and what his inspirations were.
 It was truly fascinating and amazing whilst it lasted! I think everyone shed a tear as his final tweet went up saying ‘Tim Peaks. Twitter branch. Closed.’ What an awesome experience with so many people involved. Tim peaks will never be forgotten!