Hey people, remember me? It has almost been half a year since I last did a post on here - that is some crazy stuff! I really don’t know where time has gone, I keep trying to hold onto it but it just ends up slipping out of my grasp.
I do apologise for my absence!!!
There is a hell of a lot to catch up on as these past few months have been too awesome. So where to begin?
Here is an extremely quick run down!
At the start of summer (which seems forever ago now!) I did work placement at The Gazette, which was amazing – the people were lovely – I got my first by line and I got to go out to some pretty cool places (one being a bomb scare…….. eeeeeek). It opened my eyes massively to journalism and confirmed that that is definitely the profession I’d like to go down (unless I find an unknown talent of mine and suddenly have overnight fame – there is always that option!!).
A week later I went to Kendal Calling, one of the best weekends this summer! It was out of this world and I got to meet so many inspirations of mine – John Robb, The Heartbreaks, The Gramotones and not forgetting the one and only Tim Burgess. I even got a few groovy interviews with them, and Deaks’ (The Heartbreaks) phone number! Ooofter ;)
Nick Fraser was a genius that weekend! He managed to sneak me and my sister backstage to meet The Charlatans who were extremely giddy after their performance. It was throwing it down and we were drenched right through – but it didn’t kill the mood. We were soaked but stoked. When we asked for a picture with the band, they ended up taking around 20 hilarious ones – one looks like Tony is kissing me. They were awesome and the festival was amazing – Primal Scream becoming one of my new favourite bands. I really don’t think you’ve heard a band properly before you watch them live – Primal Scream were magical and I still get shivers thinking about their performance that weekend.
I went down to Dorset a few weeks later with my family. We stayed in this adorable cottage and visited many castles, beaches and houses – one being Thomas Hardy’s house, it was pretty impressive.
Following the death of Jon Brookes I released Woodnote issue six which went pretty big. Its theme was ‘What do The Charlatans mean to you’ with many Charlafans writing in their anecdotes and memories of the band. Louder Than War have got behind Woodnote and Sarah Lay has written a feature article on it’s all about.
Now I’m in the process of applying for Universities, doing coursework, writing little bits for The Gazette and trying to bring out the next issue of Woodnote. On top of that, I’ve found a Ukulele that I’m learning to play and the piano, it’s all go!
I could not have asked for a better summer and definitely stay tuned – I’ll keep posting bits and bobs on here about what I’m getting up to!
Thanks for reading, and until next timeeeeeeee x